Expert Mentorship to Increase the Likelihood of Startup Success

Whether you are preparing to launch a new venture, experiencing a specific business problem, or ready to accelerate your company’s growth, we can help. The Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) Program at bwtech provides one-on-one mentorship from seasoned business experts to help companies like yours to start, grow, and thrive.

bwtech’s elite team of EiRs brings a wealth of experience and expertise across a diverse range of disciplines, including bio-life-sciences, technology adoption, operations, general business strategy, cybersecurity, AI, health tech, digital strategy, and sales and marketing. Our EiRs are available by appointment for bwtech clients and UMBC faculty, staff, and student entrepreneurs.

As experienced entrepreneurs, our EiRs empathize with the struggles that startups endure. They leverage their mastery of business best practices to help founders make informed decisions more efficiently as they navigate the many challenges of starting and scaling a business. They work with companies at all stages of maturity, offering vital guidance on a wide range of business development areas, including:

  • Strategic planning: operations, finance, sales, marketing, human capital, and leadership
  • Identifying risks and growth opportunities
  • Filling business model gaps
  • Refining product development pathways
  • Conducting market validation research and customer discovery
  • Securing grants and investment funding
  • Networking within the ecosystem

Meet our Elite EiR Team!

By engaging with bwtech’s Entrepreneurs in Residence, you have the opportunity to place your company on a path toward sustainable growth and long-term success.

Click on a link below to learn more our EiRs!