Educating, Inspiring and Connecting Entrepreneurs Nationwide
1 Million Cups is based on the idea that entrepreneurs network, collaborate, and discover solutions over a million cups of coffee. Founded by the Kauffman Foundation, 1 Million Cups can be found in 124 communities across the nation.
REGISTER for the next Baltimore event!
1 Million Cups provides a supportive, inclusive space for entrepreneurs and their communities to gather and connect, where they can work through business challenges and identify opportunities.
At 1 Million Cups, communities around the country give each other support, encouragement and feedback over a cup of coffee. Entrepreneurs present their businesses to inclusive, welcoming audiences. It’s not a pitch; it’s a chance to learn, collaborate and grow.
The program’s model is consistent in each of the 1 Million Cups communities. At each event, two early-stage startups present to an audience of community members and business leaders interested in entrepreneurship for six minutes. A 20-minute question-and-answer session follows, ending with the question; “What can we as a community do to help you?”.
Baltimore events occur at 9 am on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at OCA Mocha in Arbutus.
Anyone interested in presenting their company should go to 1 Million Cups Baltimore and click on “Apply to Present.”
bwtech is proud to sponsor 1 Million Cups – Baltimore.
Hope to see you there!