Unconference 2024: Rethink the Workplace was a huge success!
On Thursday, February 22, 2024, bwtech hosted Unconference 2024: Rethink the Workplace, a half-day event that brought together local business leaders to discuss the impact of AI, Automation, and Post-Covid culture on the workplace.
After a gorgeous lunch, the event was kicked off by our very own Entrepreneur in Residence, Hillel Glazer, who introduced the “unconference” process – basically: no pre-planned presenters, everyone contributes – creating the opportunity for collaborative, dynamic discussions full of spontaneity.
Attendees divided themselves into groups and dove into deep, lively, fascinating discussions with very different points of view and unexpected convergences. We learned what others are doing, what works and what doesn’t, and shared ideas on new ways to think about the workplace of the future. As you can see from the photos and videos, everyone was highly engaged, learned a lot, and had a great time!
Thank you to everyone who came out and co-created with us, especially the event sponsors!