Check out the latest news and upcoming events from bwtech!
This newsletter features:
- Maryland New Venture Program applications are OPEN for Technologists
- SCALEUP Maryland Cohort 6 ends & applications are open for Cohort 7 this Spring
- Global Gateway-Soft Landing Program at bwtech hosts Portuguese company SafeHelm
- Thrive Engineering students present “Enhancing Entrepreneurial Ecosystem at bwtech”
- Meet Dr. David Fink, bwtech EiR and MII Site Miner
- Learn which bwtech company landed a near $25M contract
- UMBC, UMB win $4M NIH REACH grant
- Avantor & Friends Life Science Show at bwtech
- Find out when the next Food Truck will be here
- Coming soon, a bwtech newletter redesign!
- Thank you bwtech interns!
- 1 Million Cups
- And so much more!