On November 10, 2023, bwtech hosted Dr. Rolando Martins from Porto, Portugal. Dr. Martins is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the University of Porto and founder of SafeHelm, which focuses on secure infrastructure and cybersecurity. Dr. Martins visited to learn about Maryland’s Global Gateway Soft Landing program at bwtech.
The meeting was led by bwtech’s Director of Entrepreneurial Services, Marjie Cota, and Abisola Ude with the Maryland Department of Commerce. Also in attendance was bwtech’s Executive Director, Aaron Miscenich, Entrepreneurs-in-Residence Hillel Glazer and Chris Houg, and Omar Younger with the Cybersecurity Association of Maryland (CAMI). The group discussed the many benefits of Maryland’s leading tech ecosystem, the Global Gateway program, and bwtech’s programming, services, and spaces. 
As a Global Gateway Soft Landing Program sponsor, bwtech helps the foreign companies we host connect with tech influencers to help further their business interests in the US and Maryland.

To learn more about the Maryland Department of Commerce’s Global Gateway Soft Landing Program at bwtech, visit: https://bwtech.umbc.edu/programs/globalgateway/